Wednesday, May 18, 2011

News flash to Vatican: "Wake up, it's 2011 !!!"

Here it is 2011 and the Vatican has just released a directive to bishops worldwide to make fighting sexual abuse of minors a top priority.

This is at least a decade after the scandals in the U.S. brought the pattern of their neglect to their attention. And it's a full year since the big revelations of high level abusers in the European priesthood shocked the Vatican.

The directive tells the bishops to set up clear policies for dealing with abusers, including complying with civil laws of reporting to authorities, if there are such laws in their country. But the directive also reiterates that each bishop has the final say in the process and each bishop is answerable only to the pope.

It's clear: the church's top priority is still its priests, not its abused children. It also makes the pope ultimately responsible, since the bishops are answerable only to him. Let's hold him to that, then. It's finally all in your hands, Benedict.

I'm considering joining the church, so that I can resign in protest.


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