Friday, May 20, 2011

Nut #10 - Enough

I've had about enough of writing about Nut, and I suspect everyone else has too. So this will be my last post about him -- at least for a while. What I'll do, as long as he's making news, is put up a new Nut post about once a week, and just add comments to that, when I can't help myself.

That way Nut news won't have such a dominant place on ShrinkRap. And I'll turn my attention to other things.

People are still writing about the terrible, awful, not very good week that Nut has had -- all self-inflicted. The more he tried to fix it, the worse it got.

Now the comedians are moving in for the kill -- and campaign cash will slow to a trickle and then stop. That's the way the world ends, Nut -- not with a bang, but a whimper.



  1. Fascinating to watch Nut's former conservative admirers see the light about him. AJC's resident conservative former editor Jim Wooten wrote a couple of weeks ago, saying something like "how exciting it is to think about having an adult (Nut) in the White House." Nut, a more responsible adult than Obama?

    That is hardly fathomable, even for Wooten. The Nut who shut down the govt. because Clinton made him ride in the back of the plane? Who can't exist for even a day without a wife or mistress? Who quit congress midterm (Palin-like) when he could no longer be Speaker? You mean "that" Nut?

    Now Wooten writes that he watched Nut at last week's state Repub convention and thought: this man could be president, despite all. He writes:

    "Then came Meet the Press . . . what seemed possible Friday night became distant and probably unattainable by the weekend's close."

  2. Didn't see it myself, but from reading about Nut's appearance today on Face the Nation, he didn't improve things much for himself.

    Bob Schieffer confronted him pretty directly about several things, and Nut just digs in deeper -- more contradictions, more evasions, more lies, more distortions.

    He's still muddying the waters about who said what about Paul Ryan's health care plan last week. Just compare the transcript from the tv show and what Nut says today about the question he was asked and his answer -- he simply lies. And hopes people won't notice.

    What about the half million dollar debt to Tiffany's? Nut won't say what it was for (correct, he shouldn't), just that it's been paid.

    But it certainly does raise questions: how can he afford to spend $500,000 on jewelry while working supposedly for these non-profit foundations he has set up? Maybe it's book royalties and speaking fees.

    But there are hints that all these fund-raising foundations don't really funnel much of the money to good causes -- and Nut has gotten in trouble before of mixing up his political activities with his foundations.

    The final score: Nut O. Still on the way out.
