Sunday, May 15, 2011

Newt = Nut - #4 - How his mind works

Here's the story on Newt/Nut.

If I were not a shrink, and therefore not bound by my ethical responsibility not to diagnose people that I have not interviewed professionally, I would say that Newt is a pathological narcissist with sociopathic behavior.

Newt-Nut is a colossal, grandiose/super-needy ego wrapped around a sharp mind that generates ideas faster than anyone can process them, including himself. And he is dangerous because he can be very convincing, especially to people who don't know the facts and assume his confident manner comes from speaking truth.

It does not.

It comes from what Mickey Nardo calls the defining characteristic of the narcissist: they believe their own ideas: "I think it, therefore it is true."

Newt is also what someone has called "a Versuvius of ideas;" and as those change mercurially, then so does his conviction of rightness. Hence the flip-flops that are hard for him to explain. He actually believed x yesterday, but today he believes y. So was he insincere yesterday? Or is his duplicitious today? From his viewpoint, the answer is no; because at any moment he believes it.

Well, yes and no. It's relatively easy to understand how this must work in his mind. But there is also the odor of willful manipulation of the ignorant masses, putting forth ideas that I do not believe he believes, like saying that Obama's policies are more of a danger to America than is al Qaeda.

So, in addition to the gradiose narcissist, there is the sociopath who will just say anything to pander for votes.

As a potential POTUS, we must hold him accountable for his behavior, not just what goes on in his mind. Do we want NEWT/NUT answering the red phone at 3 am?


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