Monday, March 7, 2011

Michele's manufactured outrage

Michele Backmann went on Meet the Press with a new outrage against Obama and his "gangster government," for which she is demanding that he apologize to the American people.

Seems that the "Obamacare" haters are just waking up to the fact that they have been had.

The Affordable Health Care Act that was passed last March, following a year of debate on the subject, contained some "advance appropriations" to ensure the implementation of the reforms. The wisdom of that is now quite evident, because one thing it does is to make it harder for the opposition to kill it by defunding it.

In other words, implementation will not require the usual separate process of going through the appropriations bill. It contains its own appropriations: $5 million for this year, and another $100 million over the next eight years, minus any funding enacted by Congress.

Michele's outrage: she claims that this was "slipped secretly" into the bill. Really? It was in there at the time it was debated and passed. Is Michele just now getting around to reading it -- or having her staff read it and tell her what it says?

It's the law, Michele. It was not done in secret. It was clearly and plainly there in the bill. If you didn't do your homework, or weren't smart enough to realize that this perfectly legal and reasonable advance appropriations would make it harder for you to undo it -- then you are the one who needs to apologize to your constituents who elected you to do your job. Or perhaps you are doing your job as you conceive it: to make a lot of noise and distraction to rev up their fear and anger -- and don't worry about how nutty you sound.

Personally, I think this was a pretty smart thing for the Dems to have done, knowing the Repubs would try to defund it, if they couldn't outright kill it.


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