Why I'm writing this is to share what else caught my attention as I was channel surfing. On the "Church Channel" was a very earnest man explaining why Christians should oppose any form of national ID. Here's the gist of what he was saying:
We must resist it, because it is Satan at work, trying to gain control and rule the world. Everyone thinks a national ID card is a response to 9/11 as a security measure. But, no, the truth is that Ronald Reagen foresaw the truth in the early 1980's when they presented the idea of a national ID to him; and he said "No Way. This is the Mark of the Beast."I kid you not. That's what was coming out of my tv set here on a Saturday night. Folks actually believe this stuff.
How fortunate we were to have a Biblical scholar as president, who knew the prediction in Revelations 13 that any sort of identifying "mark" is the work of Satan and is a sign of the End Times.
So that's what is happening now with the attempt by the federal goverment to establish a network. States are required to have digital photos on driver's licenses; and these will be networked so that any state can access other state's ID data banks. And then of course the federal government will also have access.
And then they will have control: if you don't have this ID, then you can't buy and sell, you can't get a loan or a driver's license; you can't fly on an airplane, and ultimately you can't get a job. And then they will have complete control of you. And that, my friends, is the work of Satan. It's his way to control the world and gain power over us all.