Saturday, March 26, 2011

Newt #11

Every day, I say to myself: No more Newt posts. Enough. The guy's not worth it. And then he does it again, and I can't help myself. He's like the Energizer Bunny. He just keeps on going . . . even when he hasn't got a leg to stand on, he does this verbal razzle-dazzle and hopes it will fool the people. I think it's not working anymore. Otherwise he wouldn't have to invent a new tap dance every day.

Newt's attempts to deny he had flipflopped didnt' fly, so today, speaking at a meeting of conservatives in Iowa, Newt admitted that he had said contradicting things about Obama and Libya. So now his explanation de jour is that . . . are you ready for it? . . . .
It's really simple. Obama kept changing his position, and Newt was commenting on the position of the day. And he illustrated it with this analogy:
"If you had asked me, ‘Should we jump in the lake?’ I would have said no. Once we jumped in the lake, I said swim as fast as we can. It’s not a contradiction between saying, ‘Let’s stay dry' [and] 'Swim as fast as you can,’ if the intervening moment is you’re in the lake."
And he used to be a college professor???

Balderdash !!! Newt's just trying to wiggle out of his own mess. When Obama said "Gaddafi has to go," to Newt that was everybody jumping in the lake -- and that changes everything and allows Newt to flip his flop.

It doesn't ever stand up to simple scrutiny. Why would he suddenly say "ok, we have to jump in the lake, because the president said so"? That's so unlike Newt -- loyalty to Obama??? Why wouldn't he stay on the bank, yelling, "You shouldn't have jumped in the lake," if that's what he believed -- and would have done any other time, if he thought it would score points.

But he's also absolutely right. If you deconstruct his explanation, he actually reveals the true principle behind his statements: Whatever Obama does, he's against it. There's no other principle. So it takes a nimble mind like Newt's to keep inventing new dance steps.

It would all just be funny, if he were not a dangerous man -- and a lot of people think he's just what we need to lead the country.


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