Monday, March 14, 2011

What ???

HuffingtonPost reports:
On his first day back from vacation, Glenn Beck addressed the earthquake in Japan, and said he thinks that it could be a "message [is] being sent" by God.

Speaking on his radio show Monday, Beck said, "I'm not saying God is, you know, causing earthquakes," before quickly adding, "I'm not not saying that either."

He then said that whatever one called God, "there's a message being sent. And that is, 'Hey, you know that stuff we're doing? Not really working out real well. Maybe we should stop doing some of it.' I'm just saying."

What did he say ? ? ? I have no idea.

I think he was just throwing our some code words to the faithful -- but he says he didn't say what he said -- but he really did.

How much longer will people listen to this charlatan? How much longer will they help him get obscenely rich from TV sponsors -- who, by the way, are dropping him like flies. And his TV audience is declining rapidly, too, I've read. He still has a big radio following, however.



  1. When I was a kid I lived in Utah, and the Boy Scouts was taken over by Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS Church). This, so called religion, practices underage polygamy, they send the boy s off on missions to divide the underage sisters umong the dirty old men of the clan. Now when these underage girls get pregnant, these same dirty old men, send them to the state to get their welfare checks . You should see some of the palace homes that are paid with welfare checks. By the way this is the newest religion that was created right here in United States of America, I guess their also in AZ, NM, TX, NV, CO, OK. Someone should ask Glenn Beck about it, he seems to have all the answers.

  2. I am not an apologist for the Mormon church and certainly not for Mitt Romney, Sen. Orrin Hatch, or Glenn Beck.

    But it's only fair to point out, Montana, that what you are describing is not the mainstream LDS church today, but the historical practices from the 19th century that live on in a small, fundamentalist group. The LDS Church excommunicates anyone practicing plural marriage today.

    Wikipedia estimates that there are 13,000,000 Mormons in the US today and no more than 60,000 at most of the fundamentalists. That's less than half of 1%.

    There is plenty to deplore about the fundamentalist Mormons, and I can find a lot to dislike about the mainstream Mormons too (the way they treat gay members, for example) but let's not paint the 99+% of them with the same black brush of polygamy and abuse of underage girls.

    The YouTube video you cite, which is a PBS Special on The Mormons, clearly distinguishes the two.

  3. When someone hides behind religion to do or say something that is wrong we should stand up and point it out (right the wrong). Someone should ask Glenn Beck about it, he seems to have all the answers.

    I real hope one of these retreads and blowhards runs for president, not because they have a chance of winning but because I like to see the train wreck that they will cause.

    Faux News Candidates:
    former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin ”The I graduated Early”,
    former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga. “The I Love The Interns”,
    former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee “The Huckster Reverend”,
    former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa. “The I Love the Gays”,
    former UN Ambassador John Bolton “The I Love The War ”

    I Finace Myself:
    former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney “The Flip-Flopping Fudger”,
    former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush “The I Am Not My “Dumb Ass” Brother”,

    Employed Long Shots:
    Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn. “The History, I Don’t Need No Stink’n History”,
    Mississippi Gov./ former tobacco lobbyist, Haley Barbour “The last White Hope”
