Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bad news day for Repubs

It's not turning out to be a good day for Republicans:

1. The Kaiser Family Foundation and the Urban Institute have determined that the Republican budget passed by the House would leave up to 44 million more people without health insurance due to cuts in funds to the states for Medicaid. Let's see how they spin that one.

2. John Boehner says there'll be no vote to raise the debt ceiling without $2 trillion in spending cuts. Harry Reid shot back: If you want $2 trillion in cuts, start with subsidies to oil companies and tax breaks on gasoline, not cutting funds for Medicaid.

3. There's a special election to fill the vacated seat of disgraced Republican House member Chris Lee from New York. John Boehner made a high-profile, fund-raising visit, and the GOP just plunked down $650,000 for tv ads for their candidate. Which pundits are interpreting as indication of GOP panic over the prospect that they might lose the seat. The new Dem push back message seems to be working.

4. Newt plans to announce his candidacy tomorrow. Or at least that is the plan as of today. Not sure if this is good news or bad for the GOP. It would definitely be bad news for the nation if he should win, but entering the primary doesn't mean he will win. So I call this one a draw.

5. This one is actually good news for the Repubs: Donald Trump has peaked and plummeted. From a month ago, when he led in the Public Policy Polling with 26%, he has dropped to 8%. "You're fired, Donald!!"

And good riddance !!


1 comment:

  1. Jason Linkins (HuffPost) points out that the news of Trump's collapse in the polls is overshadowing the other big news:

    Tim Pawlenty registers even lower than Trump's 8%, coming in at 5%, behind Michele Bachmann at 7%.

    Huckabee and Romney still at the top with 19% and 18%, followed by Gingrich and Palin at 13% and 12%; Paul 8%.
