Wednesday, March 21, 2012

NH gay marriage survives appeal attempt

The two year old New Hampshire law approving marriage for same sex couples has survived an attempt by Republican legislators to institute repeal.

It was defeated in the state House by a vote of 211-116.

The law was passed when Democrats controlled both houses of the legislature, and there was a Democratic governor.   Now both houses are controlled by Republicans.  The Democratic governor had said he would veto the repeal bill if it passed.

Nevertheless, the National Organization for Marriage has pledged $250,000 to help lawmakers who voted for repeal.  A rival Republican group has pledged to help those who voted against repeal.

So, the fight continues.   But we're now winning far more than we're losing.   And that's big progress.


1 comment:

  1. The attempt to ridicule the Repubicans in their attempts to make life difficult continue in the wars over abortion, insurance coverage for contraceptives, and gay marriage.

    In the same vein as the proposed amendment tothe "ultrasound before abortion" laws that said a man would have to have a rectal exam before getting a Rx for viagra.

    Before the vote in NH today on the repeal of gay marriage, someone introduced an amendment that would make it illegal for left-handed people to get married.

    The amendement didn't pass -- but then neither did the repeal.
