Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Just one more . . . too good to pass up

Newt Gingrich gave his long-awaited speech announcing the end of his presidential campaign today.  Well, it wasn't the speech that was long awaited, it was finally getting Newt off stage.

But first, Newt had to give his speech -- his last self-indulgence while the world waited for him to leave.    It won't be his last, you can be sure. 

The speech fell during a certain tv news commentator's hour, and the producers decided to air it.  At the end, the show's anchor said, "Wow, well I'm exhausted."  Then speaking directly to the TV audience he said, ". . . I'm guessing both of you are exhausted as well -- the two of you who stayed with us."

Then turning to his fellow pundit, he said, "I feel like I've just been transported to another world here."  Recalling a conversation he had with Newt before the campaign began:  "I thought then he was delusional, and now I'm sure. . . . I don’t know anyone on his side of the aisle who can stand him anymore.

This amazingly frank, on-air assessment was not some liberal firebrand.   It was FoxNews' Shep Smith speaking about the former Fox News commentator, Newt Gingrich.

It sort of restores my faith that "truth will out" and gives a tad of justification for the long, drawn-out primary process.   I remember now someone predicting that Newt might fool the people for a short time, but he couldn't sustain it without self-destructing, given enough time for it to play out.

Now if he and Callista will just have the decency to go take another Mediterranean cruise and disappear from the news.   I don't want to look at her hair or see his doughy body and angry-little-attack-muffin face -- ever again.


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