Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Krugman on Obama's rationale for going after Romney's Bain experience

Paul Krugman examines the question of why the Obama campaign is focusing on the trivia of when Romney left Bain instead of their economic policy differences.

Krugman says, in essence:   Look, it's all too complicated for people to understand, especially with the sound-bite, short attention span that our TV news is committed to.  Even print journalists too often simply present both sides of a difference, without any analysis or fact-checking.

He tells of a focus group in which Romney's economic policy was presented in simple terms, explaining what it actually means.   People in the focus group simply refused to believe that any politician would take such positions.

So there you are.    People form their opinions based on the sound bites and the superficial trivia.

Ergo:   let's talk about something people can understand, like conflicting statements Romney has made about when he gave up responsibility for Bain Capital.

Krugman goes further, however.   He says that, actually this story line is also about the policy and ideological differences, however.   It spotlights the difference between how the wealthy and powerful benefit from our system at the expense of the majority, as in tax cuts for the rich and cutting assistance for the poor.

This should be a winning attack line:   Do you believe there should be different rules for the rich and the rest of us?  Is so, then vote for Mitt Romney.

At least it's more on point than yelling about birth certificates and screaming that "Obama hates America !!" as Ruch Limbaugh did once again yesterday.


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