Saturday, August 11, 2012

Romney campaign frantic?

Mitt Romney and his campaign are becoming increasingly incoherent, unfocused, and contradictory.   And might I suggest . . . frantic?

The latest is from an interview with Chuck Todd for an MSNBC report.   Romney says:
[O]ur campaign would be-- helped immensely if we had an agreement between both campaigns that we were only going to talk about issues and that attacks based upon-- business or family or taxes or things of that nature" [would be off limits].
Let's get this straight now.

Romney has touted his business record as his main qualification for president, and he's been talking about it for a year.  But now he wants it to be off limits?   Just when it starts to backfire on him.   Yep, that's about the size of it.

That quote above would be simple boilerplate if he had said ". . . talk about issues and not personal attacks."   But he says "business" first.

It sounds like the heat in the kitchen is getting a bit too much for Mittens -- what with the pressure to release his tax returns and the negative images about Bain Capital's heartlessness in closing businesses and shipping jobs overseas.

Here's the message from Romney:   "You better stop being mean to me, Barack."

Here's the real message:  "The truth is killing us.   We've got to change the subject."

Here's my question to Romney:  "Do you really think whining is a good strategy?"


1 comment:

  1. The Obama campaign fired back at Romney's complaint about negative ads.

    "Mitt Romney won the Republican primary only by tearing down each of his opponents with ruthlessly negative campaigning, including ads funded by outside allies. His campaign has questioned whether the President understands what it is to be American, attacked his patriotism, and is currently running an ad that a former president and authors of the welfare-to-work legislation have called a flat-out lie."
