Sunday, November 18, 2012

Romney should go quietly

Romney is said to have been genuinely and completely shocked by his loss of the election (which raises the question of why were they so clueless, when the most reliable polls clearly predicted the exact states he would fail to carry).

He naturally, I suppose, wants to blame the loss on something other than his own failure.

But, really, someone should tell him that giving phoney excuses only makes him look like a clueless sore loser.   Maybe that's what he is.

I'm referring specifically to his telling a group of his fund-raisers that Obama won by all the federal "gifts" that he bestowed on African-Americans, Hispanics, and young people to ensure their votes.   The 47% syndrome all over again.

Now party leaders are rushing to distance themselves from these remarks and to disagree with his analysis of the election loss.   Gov. Bobby Jindal did it last week.   Now the Romney campaign's own Director of Hispanic Outreach, Carlos Gutierrez, has said: 
“I was shocked. And frankly I don’t think that’s why Republicans lost the election.  I think we lost the election because the far right of this party has taken the party to a place that it doesn’t belong."
Gutierrez added: 
"I don’t know if [Romney] understood that he was saying something that was insulting, [but] the language, the attitude, the body language, that’s what Latinos watch."
I'd wager that Romney didn't have a clue that Latinos would feel insulted -- just as he had no clue that his "47%" remark would create such a backlash.

Sen. Lindsay Graham said about Romney's latest:  “We’re in a big hole. . . .We’re not getting out of it by comments like that. When you’re in a hole, stop digging. He keeps digging."

It just reinforces what has been true throughout the campaign.   Mitt Romney may be a very compassionate man -- for those who are in his social world or within his purview of moral and social standards.   But outside his narrow world, he either does now understand or his self-righteous priggishness just takes over.

He should do himself a favor.  Take a long vacation, away from any reporters or recording devices.   Just shut up.


1 comment:

  1. On second thought: Keep talking, Mittens. It will only help the Democrats . . . and democracy.
