Wednesday, December 5, 2012

What a difference an election makes . . .

Not only was the president re-elected with a 4.6 million vote margin in the popular vote and and an electoral win of 332 to 206, but his campaign's get-out-the-vote drive helped carry Senate and House candidates with him, improving the Democrats' standing in both chambers.

Not only that, but no one seems to doubt that President Obama has more political captial than before, giving him a stronger negotiating position on the budget and other legislation.

But here's my election-results, take-home news trivia of the day:
Marco Rubio has embraced scientific knowledge.  

Remember, during the campaign when he was asked if he believed the earth was only 6,000 year old and he said "I'm not a scientist . . . . . the age of the earth is one of the mysteries."

Well, now he has found out.   Today he was asked about it again, and said: "There is no scientific debate on the age of the Earth, it's established pretty definitively, it's at least 4.5 billion years old. . . .I was referring to a theological debate."  It was also about not offending his ultra-conservative base.

Well, it's good to have that cleared up.   Yes, indeed, what a difference an election makes.


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