Sunday, April 14, 2013

Aunt Minnie

I fully acknowledge that occasionally here on ShrinkRap I indulge in personal attacks on those I scorn for their political mendacity and stupidity:   think Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum, Paul Braun.  And there are a few others.

My favorite target lately -- and it's very personal in a way that I would feel ashamed of if it weren't so much fun -- is Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.   I delight in calling him "Aunt Minnie," because he looks for all the world, to me, like a little old lady out of a Victorian novel, in a long black dress, sitting in the corner knitting.

I submit the picture below to illustrate.   Just imagine a lacy boudoir cap, tied under those jowly chins.

Progress Kentucky

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps I worry too much about being mean with my ad hominem attacks. Is this any different from political cartoonists depicting Obama as a tall, skinny guy with big ears?
