Monday, May 27, 2013

John McCain goes to Syria

So John McCain "sneaked into Syria," as the Huffington Post headlined the story, to meet with the rebel commander.

McCain has been a sharp critic of the Obama administration's policy toward Syria;  so what I want to know isdid McCain make this trip with the president's blessing -- perhaps even at his request?    Or is McCain playing rogue foreign policy maker?

So far, media reports have not mentioned any official sanction for the trip -- either way.   My guess is that it was with permission, if not outright request.   But we'll know in time, I suppose.


1 comment:

  1. On Tuesday, the White House said they had known about McCain's trip in advance and that they looked forward to hearing what he will have to say.

    This was non-committal as to whether they had wanted McCain to make the trip or not.
