Monday, September 2, 2013

Liz's sad campaign for the senate

Liz Cheney is running to represent Wyoming in the U. S. Senate.   So far, her campaign has seemed lackluster . . . even sadly miscalculated in some respects.

First, trying to unseat a popular long-term senator in a state that highly prizes home-grown loyalists, while having just established residence in the state less than a year ago, seems foolish.  Only the hope of her ancestral presence in the state and her father's connections and money make it seem even possibly viable.

But then Liz just seems to keep making mistakes.   First was the fishing license debacle.  Does she even like to fish?.   I thought it was sister Mary who did guy-things with their Dad.   Liz applied for a fishing license -- not knowing that you had to be a resident for a year, thus emphasizing her outsider status in the media.

There have been some awkward moments in her trying to establish herself as a Wyomingite.  Despite the long family connections, Liz herself grew up in suburban Washington, D.C. and does not seem the Wyoming type.  Her career has been in the State Department and as a TV commentator, where she has that same grating persona as her mother.   She spouts knee-jerk conservative positions that often sound silly and without the gravitas her father speaks the same lines.

Now -- probably a political calculation -- she has revealed a family split on gay marriage.   She maintains the she is "not pro-gay-marriage."   Is that different from being against it?   Or is it a cutesy political trick?  She says it should be left to the states -- which is what people say when they're trying to have it both ways.  

Apparently her lesbian sister Mary isn't going to keep quiet about it.   She posted on social media that "Liz is dead-wrong" about this.    Daddy Dick had at least had the guts to say, in his V.P. debate way back, that he thought anybody ought to be able to marry whomever they wished.

So there.   Go back to Washington, Liz.   You're miscast as a Wyoming gal.   They don't need you to parachute in and try to supplant their popular senator.   You seem opportunistic and greedy.

And . . . one more favor.   Stay off the tv talk shows.  You only appeal to the angry right-wing crowd;  and that's a losing bunch, despite the noise they make.


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