Monday, February 10, 2014

They just don't quit . . . trying to defeat Obamacare

Republicans wound up with a major gaffe last week, trying to portray the CBO's report as saying the ACA would cause 2.3 million jobs to be lost.   Totally false.   It was about people voluntarily quitting jobs they were keeping only to get health care insurance.

Nothing seems to shame or embarrass them, however, in their zeal to kill the Affordable Care Act.   On Fox News Sunday, Sen. Roy Blount (R-MO) tried to put a new spin on it:
"I think any law you pass that discourages people from working can't be a good ideaWhy would we wanna do that?"
Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) countered that argument, saying "In some cases, these people might have two jobs because of these health benefits … now they don't need to work two full-time jobs to get their health benefits."

Blunt wouldn't give in:  "The best face you can probably put on that is that people who don't wanna work don't have to work.  Surely that's not what we wanna encourage."

Think about what you're saying, Senator.   What about the spouses of your millionaires, who may not want to work.   Would you insist that they get jobs?  What about the people who want to work, but have physical handicaps or dependent children or parents who have to be taken care of?

No, SenatorThe "best face" you can put on it is this:   People who don't have to work, don't have to work.  Let someone who needs the job take it.

So, there !!



  1. No wonder people are misinformed. Even respected, liberal news analysts get it wrong. Cokie Roberts on NPR this morning was talking about the Democrats "trying to spin" the story to their advantage; and how "anytime the story is about loss of jobs" it's hard to spin.

    But the story is NOT about loss of jobs. How can we win when people like Cokie Roberts get it wrong?????

  2. Instead of talking about how hard it is for Dems to spin the sotry, she should have been saying HOW HARD IT IS TO DISCUSS THE REAL ISSUES WHEN REPUBS TELL LIES AND DISTORT THE FACTS.
