Saturday, May 3, 2014

Seniors spoil GOP guv's search for Obamacare horror stories

Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) is running for re-election.   He recently visited a senior center to chat with them about the new health care law -- hoping to pick up some "horror stories" about Obamacare.

Instead, what he got was overwhelming support for the Affordable Care Act.   One resident told him he was "completely satisfied" with the new health care law;  and he questioned Scott's assertion that Obamacare is cutting Medicare funds.   Even if it does,the man said, it would be justified.   "I can't expect . . . to get preferential treatment when other programs are also being cut."

Another resident said she didn't have any complaints about it and cited her son's previous inability to get coverage because of pre-existing heart problems.   Now he has health insurance.   Only one senior of the 20 in this meeting had any complaint at all.   

So Scott didn't get what he wanted.   And that's true all across the country.   Virtually every one of the horror stories that have been bandied about, mostly by Fox News, have proven to be false or misconstrued.

But the American people are increasingly getting what they need -- and the vast majority realize it and are in favor of the ACA.


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