Saturday, June 28, 2014

Refuting Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter gets paid a lot of money to offend as many people as possible.   Most of the time, I ignore her, but her anti-immigrant rant against U. S. interest in soccer struck a new low.  

She used up a whole column on (bogus) reasons why Americans hate soccer, then culminated it with the declaration that any apparent increase in Americans watching soccer is only due to all those immigrants who have come here since "Ted Kennedy's 1974 immigration law."   And then this outrageous proclamation:
"I promise you:  No American whose great-grandfather was born here is watching soccer."
 In fact, I am one of the millions who has found a new interest in soccer in the appeal of the current World Cup games.   Ratings show that we Americans are watching the World Cup at near record numbers.   More signed up to watch ESPN's online streaming of the U.S.-Germany game even than signed in to watch the latest SuperBowl.

Besides, I can refute Coulter's lie simply with my own personal geneology:

I have three great-grandfathers, plus one great-great grandfather, who were born in the United States of America.    Moreover, my granddaughter is a huge soccer fan.   Being my granddaughter means that her great-great-GREAT-GREAT grandfather was born here.

So there. 


1 comment:

  1. Coulter hates the left and abhors immigration. Hence, her diatribe on soccer. Coulter’s inexplicable hatred of the Other is one reason why we should Never Trust Ann Coulter - at ANY Age, a new book available at
