Sunday, October 19, 2014

Like a turkey calling a frog ugly

Yes, it was like a turkey calling a frog ugly -- only it was fellow-traveler praise rather than insult.  Both are slick operators who know how to get others to do their dirty work without being caught themselves.

The ethically challenged New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie came to Georgia to campaign for ethically challenged Gov. Nathan Deal. . . . 

. . .  and praised Deal for his "honesty" and "integrity."  

A hoot, yes, but it's not funny -- because Deal seems to be getting away with his manipulation of the ethics office, just by denying that he had anything to do with the obvious facts.  But who believes that?

Jason Carter has an ad running that says that Deal took office with millions of dollars of personal debt;   now, after four years as governor, he is worth $3.9 million.   How did he get rich?   He sold his auto salvage business for $3 million to a company that owes the state of Georgia $73.8 million in back taxes.

There's probably nothing illegal here.   That's the point.   Deal knows how to work the system and stay within the law, technically.   But what does this say about his priorities?   Using his connections and his wheeler-dealer know-how to enrich himself, while the average citizen goes without needed government services -- like money for schools, Medicaid expansion.


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