Monday, November 3, 2014

Mitch McConnell's penultimate outrageous stance

Just days until election day, with 10 senate seats either tied or within statistical range of error, and Mitch McConnell gave his final campaign pushVote for the Republicans so they can bring the gridlock in Congress to a merciful end."

He continued: 
"A new Republican majority wouldn't mean we'd be able to get everything you want from Washington. But it would mean we'd be able to bring the current legislative gridlock to a merciful end. It means we'd be able to start sending bills to the president's desk again, just as the American people expect."
Think about what he's saying.    The gridlock is the fault of the Democrats;  turn the leadership over to him, and bills will get passed.

Guess what, Aunt Minnie McConnell.   You could have ended the gridlock any time in the past 6 years.  Yes, I mean that gridlock you intentionally created when you declared in 2009 that your agenda would be to see that President Obama was a one-term president.  An now you're expecting the Democrats to just do what you obstinately refused to do?    Let the majority prevail?

The last time I checked, our democracy runs on the principle that the majority rules, tempered by protection of the rights of the minority, not by protecting the wishes of the minority.

There is no way the Republicans are going to win a filibuster proof majority.   So at best, what would likely happen is that the two parties' numbers would be roughly reversed.   The Democrats would have just as much minority power to control things by filibuster, as Republicans have been exercising.

First, it's not going to happen.   The politicos are going to be very surprised when they see the turnout the Democrats are going to have -- and we will retain control.    But, even granting McCo0nnell his fantasy, what makes him think we'll let him get what he wants without a fight -- the kind of fight he taught us to wage.


PS:   Last minute word is there is a deluge of anonymous money flowing into senate campaigns from secret committees that are supposed only to run ads promoting social issues, not candidates.   Never mind;   more attack ads aren't going to change things at this point -- unless they turn people off so that they vote for the other guy.

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