Sunday, November 23, 2014

Republican committee -- that's right, a REPUBLICAN committee found no wrong-doing in Benghazi

 The Republican controlled House Committee on Intelligence has completed an exhaustive two-year investigation into the attack on our mission in Benghazi and has filed a report, which contradicts most of the Republican accusations and talking points.  

According to an article by Michael McCauliff of the Huffington Post:
"Among its findings, the report says CIA personnel responded not just well, but heroically; that there was no "stand down" order, as some critics have claimed; there was no intimidation of witnesses by superiors; there was no intelligence failure prior to the attack; and that a "mixed group" of individuals, including some linked to al Qaeda, participated in the attack.

"But perhaps the most significant conclusion is its finding that [U.N. Ambassador Susan] Rice's talking points . . . were not part of an attempt to conceal the severity of the incident.  According to the report, early intelligence that the attacks were sparked by an Internet video was "not accurate," but not intentionally so . . .  [and resulted] in errors rather than deliberate lies. . . . "
At least four other investigations have reached similar conclusions.   But last year, unwilling to accept those findings, House Republicans created yet another blue ribbon Select Committee to investigate.   So far, it has held one hearing.    This new report would seem to take a lot of steam out of that already unnecessary, political showcase.

You can tell how happy Republicans are to report these negative findings -- they released the report late on Friday afternoon when the House members had left town for the Thanksgiving vacation, not to return until mid-December.   That's the way you do something that is either embarrassing or that you don't want to have to take a position on.

Shouldn't we all be relieved to learn that there was no conspiracy involved in Benghazi, no cover-up, and that they were telling the truth all along?   You'd think so.

Gee, Republicans are really having a bad week, aren't they?    They thought they were now the King of the Walk after the election.   But President Obama stole the show Thursday night, and this report was a further splash of rain on their parade.


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