Sunday, January 18, 2015

Third thoughts about the Duke-Muslim situation

My first thoughts when I read about the call to Muslim prayer from the Duke Chapel tower were:   what a great, inclusive gesture and I feel so proud of my school.  (Thursday, Jan, 15)

My second thoughts when I heard that the decision has been reversed were:   shock and embarrassment, as I wrote about here (Thursay, Jan. 15).

On more sober reflection now, my third thoughts are this:   Although it is a lovely, idealistic plan, we do not live in a time when that is a wise risk to take.   It is too big a leap in this time of crazy, bigoted, blind attack-and-retaliate.   And at a time when the conflict is flaring up worse than ever in Europe.

What changed my thinking was trying to imagine what would go on in the mind of a violence-prone, anti-Muslim angry guy who decided to retaliate.   And, believe me, there are plenty of those in North Carolina and more within easy traveling distance.

What made the gesture so appealing -- having the call to prayer come from the most imposing structure on campus -- also makes it the perfect spot for retaliation

Here's the crazy guy thinking:    they blew up our twin towers, we'll destroy theirs.  In the crazy guy's mind, the chapel would have now been contaminated and therefore "theirs."  The Duke Chapel has no security and is so easily accessible for planting bombs set to go off during the Friday prayers . . . or the Sunday morning non-denominational service.

Yes, it's about donor money.  But it's also about campus safety and security.   The campus can't be locked down.  There are too many crazy-angry, insecure white guys who see Muslims as invading Europe and just waiting for the chance to invade our country too.   This would tell them "it's already happening, right here." 

If I had been the one advising on this decision, I would have said:   It's a lovely ideaLet's do it but start small.   Test the reaction.   Have the call to prayer, just not from the tower itself, at first.  

And that's apparently what they are going to do.


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