Wednesday, March 11, 2015

WHAT? That letter is Obama's fault?

In my previous post, I mentioned Sen. Tom Corker (R-TN) as one of the senators who did not sign Tom Cotton's letter to the Iranians.   He is chair of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee.  

But then Corker threw out this corker:   The letter is really President Obama's fault, because he failed to consult lawmakers, and he threatened to veto Corker's own proposed bill that gives Congress the final vote on any nuclear agreement.

The message to President Obama in the letter was:  'See, give us what we want -- or we will piss on your fire and put it out.   Nyah, nyah, nyah.'

And now, in defense of the stupidity and borderline treason of his colleagues, Corker blames the victim of their vindictiveness.   It's like the rapist saying "It's her fault.  She made me do it, because she was so provocative in her sexy red dress."

It won't wash, guys -- except with your war-crazed, Obama-hating base.  But the adult, reality-based world was appalled by this juvenile, dangerous action that just goes further to prove that the present-day Republican party is not capable of responsible governing.  They are not ready for prime time.


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