Friday, June 17, 2016

Comments invited

Dear Readers,
Several months back, I turned off the Comments tab because I was getting a rash of spam comments that had nothing to do with the content of my blog.   They weren't negative -- just generic, often incoherent, responses trolling for return views of their blogs.

I have turned the Comments tab back on and invite responses, now that I have a way to screen out the spam.   Just click on the "No Comment" at the bottom of a page;  a window will open for you to write a comment;   then click on "Select profile."    There will be several choices, and I don't know what they all mean.   I'd suggest using either:   OpenID, or Name/URL, or Anonymous.   Let's see what works.



  1. I've been wanting to say, in this space, how much I appreciate your curating of the news and the fact that you choose to offer it up for others to enjoy. I know I can trust the facts you present, so it serves as a selectively digested news source for me, and I feel simpatico with your perspective on those facts, whether it be humor or outrage or curmudgeonly impatience, but also not to exclude historical gravitas.

    Glad you've got those spam defenses up, so I could publicly say 'Thanks!' :)


  2. And thanks to you, Barbara. That means a lot to me.
