Friday, August 27, 2010

George Rentboy Rekers -- redux

Remember the big story last spring about Dr. George Rekers, the retired professor who was the expert witness testifying for the state in both the Florida and Arkansas court trials that upheld their laws against same-sex adoptions?

In Florida, the Attorney General who headed up the prosecution had paid Dr. Rekers something like $120,000 for that testimony, which was worse than worthless. It was just plain, downright wrong -- unscientific and untruthful.

Bill McCollum, the AG, claimed that he had to pay that much because he had trouble finding anyone who would testify to the truth of those "studies" that purportedly showed that it was harmful to children not to have a mother and a father.

Those studies have been widely discredited, because they compare children being raised by single mothers with children being raised by a mother and father. They have nothing to do with children being raised by two mothers or two fathers. So what they were measuring was the effect of having only a single parent (and so often the circumstances that make that necessary -- divorce, death of a parent, poverty, etc.)

OK. That's the background reminder. The news is that that AG Bill McCollum lost his bid for the Republican nomination for governor of Florida. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving bigot.



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