Friday, April 22, 2011

Beating a dead horse . . .

Why give in to reality and public opinion (that now favors same-sex marriage rights) when you might be able to wring a few more votes by pandering to the anti-gay zealots? Never let it be said that Repubs left any doubt that their red-bloodedness is opposed to that whole gay thing that's sweeping the country.

Two last ditch stands:

1. The generals in charge of implementing the repeal of DADT reported to the House Armed Services Committee recently that their training of the troops for the transition is going very well and that they anticipate few problems in implementing the repeal.

Repub members of the committee didn't like it, in fact some simply refused to believe them. For example: one raised the question about the response rate to the massive survey they did of attitudes about repeal, which were surprisingly benign. The army general gave the percentage and said -- quite clearly -- that this was a typical response rate to such surveys. The next question from the dumb congressman was: "Why do you think the response rate was so low?" And, of course, then he demanded a new study (aka further delay), because this one obviously didn't get to the true feelings of the troops and their families (who essentially said: it's no big deal).

2. The Obama Department of Justice has made a determination not to defend the challenge in court to the Defense of Marriage Act, on the grounds that parts of it are deemed by legal experts to be unconstitutional. So the case would be heard without an official defense from the DoJ.

But John Boehner and his Repub troops ride to the rescue !!! They've got to save marriage as we know it !! (aka the votes of the right wing anti-gay zealots). Boehner has retained outside legal counsel to defend DOMA in court on behalf of the Legislative arm, with an expenditure of $500,000 of the taxpayers' money, and possibly more, to the prestigious King & Spaulding law firm.

Remember this at election time, folks: $500,000 for a futile defense of an unconstitutional law, but we've got to cut food stamp programs and health insurance for children. Remember !!


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