Monday, April 18, 2011

Simple math

For all the Sturm und Drang over cutting the budget, here's some simple math that could have made the solution so simple -- or rather could have saved the good programs, cut some things that needed trimming -- and come out ahead of where the draconian Republican budget axe points:

The amount saved by the spending cuts in the compromise budget for the remainder of fiscal year 2011:
$ 38 billion

The amount that would have been saved by letting Bush's tax cuts expire for wealthiest Americans:

$42 billion

Do the math. We could have saved all the cuts and still come out $4 billion ahead.

What kind of mind or moral compass does it take to insist on the former and refuse to consider the latter? And I'm not buying that it has nothing to do with a moral position but rather stems solely from political philosophy about the role of government.

I argue that your philosophy of the role of government cannot be separated from your moral position about helping those in need.


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