Thursday, May 26, 2016

But here is the truly frightening thing.

Despite all the ways in which he is not qualified to be president, more and more of the establishment Republicans are coming around to support Donald Trump.

Just a few days ago, the New York Times had an encouraging article about the dozen or more of the big money Republican donors that are NOT planning to support Trump.  Then a day later I read about Foster Friess, a religiously conservative mega-donor who bankrolled Rick Santorum's campaign in 2012 and is now supporting Trump.    Last weekend, Friess wrote this to explain why he is supporting Trump. 
"My success came from harnessing people’s strengths and ignoring their weaknesses. . . .  And also, from assessing people not according to their pasts or where they are today, but rather based on what they can become. 

"I believe that as Republicans continue to unite behind Donald Trump, he’ll become an even better candidate."
That seems to be the reasoning that is gaining traction among Republicans who are looking for some way to justify their now ignoring all the danger signals that previously worried them.   Apparently the idea of just accepting another loss of the White House is just too much -- if only they can find some rationalization that lets them avoid looking as opportunistic and unprincipled as they really are.   This might just do it. 

I suppose my concern that he could actually win -- my alarm, really -- betrays the fact that I'm not all that confident in the American people's capacity to withstand the allure of the siren's song that pulls you into dangerous waters.  Especially when Hillary Clinton doesn't seem to be generating much excitement to offset it. 

For a large segment of voters, it seems, November will offer them a choice of "the lesser of two evils."   Which do they dislike/fear more?   Trump or Clinton.   Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party need to do something fast -- or that's what it will become.
I wrote the above a few days ago, as the polls were tightening, some even showing Trump beating Clinton.   And then I read another article that was more optimistic.   It's by Richard North Patterson, whose thesis is that we're not to worry too much.   Demographics, plus Trump's own capacity to turn off as many voters as he attracts, will favor the Democrats.

I'll post it separately tomorrow to keep this a reasonable length.


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