Monday, June 20, 2016

Apple will not contribute to RNC convention because of Trump's bigotry

Apple has announced that it will not be sponsoring or contributing to  the Republican National Convention in July.   It joins a number of other corporations who are former contributors to funding the convention but are opting out this year because of Donald Trump.

In its decision, Apple specifically considered the disturbing comments made by Trump about minority groups, immigrants and women, according to two sources quoated by Amanda Terkel of Huffington Post.

Rashad Robinson, speaking for the PAC ColorofChange, praised the decision, saying:
“Not only has Apple declined to support the Republican National Convention, but they’ve explicitly told Republican leaders that Trump’s bigoted rhetoric is the reason that they’re sitting out.  This is what real corporate responsibility looks like.”
Donald Trump had better to careful not to say anything derogatory about Jews or Israel -- he can't afford to lose Sheldon Adelson's support, since he seems to be losing so many others.


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